I τ daget in dat osten,de maen schînt averall;wo weinich wêt mîn lêveken,wor ick benachten schal. The day is breaking in the east,the moon shines everywhere;little does my sweetheart know where I shall pass the night. Anonymous
Wie herrlich leuchtetMir die Natur!Wie glänzt die Sonne!Wie lacht die Flur! Es dringen BlütenAus jedem ZweigUnd tausend StimmenAus dem Gesträuch Johan Wolfgang von Goethe
Empty vessel
I am just an empty vessel saling the great sea. Forms arise and disappear. Change is just a principle no words describes the mysterious one. How can I forget that this moment and all existence is perfect and without flaws. Thomas 19/7 2009
The wonderful world of Pi
I have a fascination with π. There is something wonderful, wondrous and unfathomable about Pi. The mystery of an unending serious of numbers with no predictable order. It’s like the mystery of the Universe. It’s like a tickle of your soul. π is commonly defined as the ratio of a circle‘s circumference C to its diameter d. So simple, yet so complex. Memorisation of…
In the time of your life
“In the time of your life, live—so that in that good time there shall be no ugliness or death for yourself or for any life your life touches. Seek goodness everywhere, and when it is found, bring it out of its hiding place and let it be free and unashamed. Place in matter and in…
This ruined house
Although the windblows terribly here,the moonlight also leaksbetween the roof planksof this ruined house. Izumi Shikibu (Japan, 974-1034) Ref.: https://www.poetryfoundation.org/articles/68606/spiritual-poetry
what is joy?
what is joy?joyis to be eclipsedin who you arenowand forever.it is to let downyour weaknessand let downyour strengthand find yourselfat homein everything. Jinghai, Yu. A Scatter of Light in the Summer Sky: Poems of the Tao
Garg Aradhya plays the pants of Mighty Magnus
In a recent Pro Chess League match between the Norway Gnomes and the Delhi Dynamite a young Indian player named Garg Aradhya rated 2315 played the mighty Magnus Carlsen. More than 500 rating points separated the two players. This is normally decisive without question. But in this match the rating difference did not matter. It…
Was es ist
Was es ist Es ist Unsinn sagt die Vernunft Es ist was es ist sagt die Liebe Es ist Unglück sagt die Berechnung Es ist nichts als Schmerz sagt die Angst Es ist aussichtslos sagt die Einsicht Es ist was es ist sagt die Liebe Es ist lächerlich sagt der Stolz Es ist leichtsinnig sagt…
I had fallen in love with Alice
I had fallen in love with Alice (from David Small’s Stitches) from Stitches: A Memoir… on Vimeo. Reference: David Small en barndom i gråtoner tegneseriesiden.dk
The clear blue sky
Seeing the clear blue sky, I know I am it.
Liberate your mind
Liberating your mind. You set your seul free. Let your spirit realm free, join nature without effort. Wuwei of the small mind. How do you do it? Broaden and extend your vision. Let your deep mind rest in Shen. This is when the Master has returned to your house. My Heart is calm. Fear and…
16th International Push Hands Meeting in Hannover
International Push Hands Meeting push-hands.de This was my first time at the yearly International Push Hands Meeting for Taiji Quan practitioners in Hannover, Germany, running from Wednesday the 6th. through Sunday the 10th. of April 2016. Workshops in the mornings and free push hands in the afternoon. There was a wonderful vibe all week – and it only…
From nothing to something and back
I let go and enter the domain of no one. Heaven and Earth are one. The circle and square are equals. They separate as necessary without effort. First boundless stillness, then endless movement. It makes no sense to talk about form or formlessness. Substance or no substance – what’s the difference? Body, energy and mind – what…
My river runs to thee
Blue Sea – Wilt welcome me? My River wait reply. Oh Sea – look graciously! I’ll fetch thee Brooks From spotted nooks – Say Sea – take Me? Emily Dickinson (1830–86).
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