Qi gong giver ro og glæde i hverdagen
Qi gong giver ro og glæde i hverdagen – og jeg kunne ikke forestille mig en bedre instruktør end Thomas Jeg havde ikke prøvet qi gong, før Thomas introducerede mig for det for snart et års tid siden. Og sikke en rejse, det har været. Thomas har en meget umiddelbar tilgang til denne stående meditationsform,…
From something to nothing and back again
I let go to land in no-man’s-land. Heaven and earth are one.The circle and the square are the same. They part necessarily, without effort.First boundless stillness, then endless movement. There’s no sense in speaking of form or formlessness.Substance or non-substance—what is the difference? Body, energy, and mind—what are they?I am merely a channel for nature’s…
Qi Gong is efficient and fascinating
“Qi Gong is an efficient and fascinating way to preserve and improve one’s health. If you are serious about Qi Gong and looking for a teacher to guide you on the path to wellbeing then Thomas Dyhr is your man” Søren Brøndholt Nielsen, Copenhagen, Denmark Testimonial from Qigong Gentofte 2017
Taiji og qigong spire videre i mit hverdagsliv
Jeg er blevet undervist af Thomas i 1 halvt år. Begyndte at lave taiji i 2007. Jeg begyndte på taiji og qigong af 3 hovedgrunde. For det første ønskede jeg at ændre en mega spændt krop – af fodbold og skovarbejde. En krop der konstant røg ud i skader og som osse fik disse ord med på…
Taiji essentials in practise
Essentials in Practising the Taiji Solo Set & Playing Hands by Li Yiyu An earlier teacher said: “If you can draw the opponent in to land on nothing, you can then use four ounces of force to move his of a thousand pounds. If you cannot draw the opponent in to land on nothing, you cannot use four ounces to…
I recommend him to anyone who would like to learn Qigong
I first met Thomas when I did my PhD in Copenhagen. He had just started teaching an introductory Qi Gong class in the international student house there. From the first class onwards I felt at home with him and his approach and stayed in the class for more than two years, until I left Copenhagen.…
Small Heavenly Circle
What is the “small heavenly circle” in taoist qigong? Source: https://brennantranslation.wordpress.com/ The “Small Heavenly Circle,” also known as the “Microcosmic Orbit” or “Xiao Zhou Tian” (小周天) in Chinese, is a fundamental concept in Taoist qigong practice. It refers to the circulation of qi (life energy) along specific energy channels or meridians in the human body.…
Liberate your mind
Liberating your mind. You set your seul free. Let your spirit realm free, join nature without effort. Wuwei of the small mind. How do you do it? Broaden and extend your vision. Let your deep mind rest in Shen. This is when the Master has returned to your house. My Heart is calm. Fear and…
From nothing to something and back
I let go and enter the domain of no one. Heaven and Earth are one. The circle and square are equals. They separate as necessary without effort. First boundless stillness, then endless movement. It makes no sense to talk about form or formlessness. Substance or no substance – what’s the difference? Body, energy and mind – what…
Yun Yin Sen of Shanghai
Yun Yin Sen performing Liu He Ba Fa Primordial Essence “Qigong” In 2009 I was traveling in Asia and I had the opportunity to visit Shanghai. Before coming to Shanghai I had found an interesting video on Youtube with Yun Yin Sen. I want to meet this guy I thought. I guess fortune was smiling because…
Feng Zhi Qiang Taiji Neigong
Xinyi Hunyuan Taiji Internal Training performed by Feng Zhi Qiang
The 10 Tenets of Qigong
Tranquility Experiencing Nothingness Emptiness Rootedness Openness Oneness Compassion Harmony The Way The Essence of Qigong By Ke Yun Lun neigong.net p. 53 – 63
Reaching the bright end
as effortless as light and as certain as time’s passing we walk forward to a stillness we can never know with the clouds yawning in the distance and the sky, forever quiet we drift, less certain than foam reaching the bright end of the sea The Voice of the Sea: Poems of the Tao by…
The Jade Tablet
To guide the Qi, allow it to enter deeply and collect it. As it collects, it will expand. Once expanded, it will sink down. When it sinks down, it comes to rest. After it has come to rest, it becomes stable. When the Qi is stable, it begins to sprout. From sprouting, it begins to…
Looking for Wuji everywhere
Looking for Wuji everywhere, In movement, In stillness Getting it, not getting it I let go, Finding Wuji. I forgot all about it!
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