Liberate your mind

Liberating your mind.
You set your seul free.

Let your spirit realm free,
join nature without effort.

Wuwei of the small mind.

How do you do it?

Broaden and extend your vision.
Let your deep mind rest in Shen.

This is when the Master has returned to your house.

My Heart is calm. Fear and grasping voluntarily left Xin.

My  intent rests in my Center. Yi commands central equilibrium.

Dantien is full and steady.

Always calm and ready to act according to circumstance. It remains calm.

Is that not the state of the Universe?

One calmness dictates all movement.

If the focus is on the Qi, it will stagnate.

Get the foundation. And you will find the initiative naturally in order to do what needs to be done.

“Let go” of your self.

Not having the servant as the master of the house is perfection.

Shen fills out the whole space, my awareness is everywhere.

Somehow everything is just perfect. When I allow it to be imperfect.

It will always remain so.

If I do not strive, I arrive.

Everything arrives. Nothing is undone.

This is the message for those who understand.

Without trying you succeed.

In realty, it’s nothing really.

And of surely it’s everything also.

Hold on to the paradoks, and you will inevitably stumble into it.

Joy and happiness are everywhere to be found.

Yin and yang in harmony returns.

The great mystery of the female Mother prevail.

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