Hidden Qi & Qigong
Substantiality and Insubstantiality
How can substantiality and insubstantiality be distinguished between left and right or between top and bottom parts of the body? The muscles, the skeleton and the nerves are parts of the body system. When practicing the movements, the use of consciousness to sink and relax the body is most important. The centre of gravity is…
Cobra Breathing Exercise
The cobra breath is a tantric breathing exercise. In essence, it is an energy-building breath. One uses breath to move kundalini energy up from the root chakra, at the base of the spine, to the crown chakra which lies at the crown of the head.The particular form cobra breath outlined below is used to expand…
Yi Jin Jing
易筋經; Wade-Giles: I Chin Ching; literally “Muscle Tendon Change Classic” Litterature: Yi Jin Jing: Tendon – Muscle Strengthening Qigong Exercises (Chinese Health Qigong Associat) Foreign Language Press ISBN 9787119047782 Qigong, the Secret of Youth: Da Mo’s Muscle/tendon and Marrow/brain Washing Classics by Yang Jwing-Ming and Jwing-Ming Yang ISBN 1886969841 14-series Sinew-Transforming Exercises by Weizhen Chang…
What meditation really is
Sogyal Rinpoche The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying Chapter V “Bringing the Mind Home” p. 57 ff.
“Qigong” (literally “breath exercise”), an invaluable component of traditional Chinese medicine, has its origin in ancient times. Its primarystimulus was the search for longevity with the ultimate aim of immortality,which has much entranced the Chinese mind from ancient times. Therecords shows the exercises to help the qi (the human body’s vital energy)circulating freely and to…
Fong Ha
Qigong Master John Chang
John Chang (Djiang or Chiang) Links: Qigong Master John Chang (orginal) youtube.com Books: The Magus of Java: Teachings of an Authentic Taoist Immortal ISBN 0892818131
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