Købermagergade’s Falafel House sadly gone
Together with my son, Christian, I visited my favorite shawarma spot, Falafel House, on Købmagergade in Copenhagen, only to discover that disaster had struck. The best shawarma house in town was suddenly gone! I have been a regular visitor since the very beginning of Falafel House – the start of the shawarma era in Denmark.…
Sirens of the Lambs
by Banksy
Garlic Ginger and Green Onion Recipes for Common Cold
Garlic To treat the early stages of the common cold, take 50 gr. of garlic, the white heads of green onion, and fresh ginger, and boil in water; drink hot and cover yourself with a blanket so that you transpire. Ginger When fever and chills are present, grate 30 gr. of ginger, boil it in…
DocDyhrs Energy Shake
2 spoons of Soy Protein 1 spoon of Hemp Protein 1-2 Banans 2 spoons of Tyme Honny 1 spoon of Sesame seeds 1 spoon of Linseeds 1 teaspoon of pure Cocoa 1 spoon Rosehip powder 1 spoon of Bee Pollen Special ingreedients 1 teaspoon of Fo-Ti Tieng powder (www.sanpharm.dk) 1/4 teaspoon of Amazing powder (www.natur-drogeriet.dk)…
Viet Man Dish
The saying goes that young boys from Korea would prefer their tender beef in stead of their mom! The Viet Man Dish: Marinaded tender beef with peanut sauce together with red onions, spinach with pine nuts and bruun rice with peas. Prepare the peanut butter dip: 1 cup of fried finely chopped (no salt) peanuts…
Goya the miraculous Bitter Gourd
Somebody once recommended Gohyah or Goya Tea for my common cold. And miraculously it worked! I have been testing this Bitter Gourd, or Bitter Melon as it is often called, on myself and friends. The plant is known throughout Asia for its excellent qualities in cooking, health and sickness prevention (lung disorders, cancer and diabetes etc.). The…
The Kollath Breakfast
Our planet shelters 700,000 different species of living things, but only the animals we have domesticated and ourselves feed on cooked foods. Natural food should be raw, but unfortunately our stomach and intestines are normally unable to deal with-especially in cereal form; because we are not like the grain-eating birds that predigest food. Professor Werner…
Juicy Pineapples at a price!
Supermarket price wars, toxic waste and tropical fruit. A Guardian Films production for Consumers International, this investigative documentary exposes the unacceptable social and environmental conditions endured by pineapple-grower communities in Costa Rica… and why leading supermarkets in Europe must share the blame. Reference: www.consumersinternational.org/pineapples
Dr. Wongs Secret of Immortality
Sauce for rice, vegetables and/or fish. Prepare a mix of two or three tablespoons of miso with enough water to give it a smooth, even consistency. Squeeze in one or two lemons. Grate a bit of fresh ginger, and add two tablespoons of cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil. Mix it all together. Use this sauce…
Alcoholic Poisoning
A few recipes from the straight forward, very practical and ingenious food branch of TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) to cure hangovers from drinking to much alcohol. a. 15 g tea infused in boiling water for 10 minutes. Drink a large cupful. b. Put 15 g of withe sugar in 30 ml vinegar. Dilute with hot…
I the consumer
George Carlin talks about crazy fat people
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