Todays Quote

Nuclear powered vacuuum cleaners will probably be a reality within 10 years.
— Alex Lewyt (President of the Lewyt Corporation,
manufacturers of vacuum cleaners), quoted in The New York
Times, June 10, 1955.

This morning when I opened my terminal on my local computer a new tcsh shell popped up with this strange thought provoking cookie! “Fortune” is a well known little nifty Unix app that servers the cookies. You can find fortune cookie files all over the net. And you can easily write your own cookie files with your own profound sentences and make them into .dat files with “Strfile” that is readable with “Fortune”. Take a look at the man fortune and man strfile. Unfortunately not all Unix systems today comes with the fortune app out the box – but then go and hunt for it!

Btw I found some profound quotes at the goblogua yesterday that I have compiled into a file for download for use with the Fortune app (Right click to download – both files are used and remember to leave the .dat part out i.e. just Fortune goblogua ).

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