Caterpillars and Polliwogs
Caterpillars weave cocoons, polliwogs form from cells; eventually the cocoons break open to produce moths, the cells develop to produce frogs. What I realize as I observe this is the Tao of liberative transformation of the spiritual embryo. Those who cultivate reality assemble the five forces, join the hundred spirits, merge with the ultimate; one…
Realising our full potential
Realising our full potential – Saturday 18th May – Day Course Retreat To achieve true happiness, we must understand what is holding us back and learn to develop the mind to achieve its full potential. In this day course retreat we will look into our life purpose and learn practical methods to overcome obstacles and…
One heart
Can you polish your mysterious mirror And leave no blemish? Lao Tzu There is never been a single thing Then where is dust to cling? Huang Po Joining hands One heart. You and Me
Qiangzhuang Gong
Health Promotion Exercise Functions Reinforces intrinsic Qi and promotes good health and the ability to prevent and cure disease. Methods Natural respiration or reverse breathing techniques can be used in the practice of this exercise. 1. Natural Respiration. Sit cross-legged or take a standing posture. Gradually regulate your breath so that it is quiet, even,…
Water drizzling down a mountain side
Water drizzling down the mountain wall glittering in the sun mist rising to the top birds and green everywhere life is seen drifting in the clouds standing like a giant reaching to center of the earth stretching up towards the heavens unmoved yet alive standing here how am I different? .
A journey towards liberation
Vipassana Documentary from India Personally I took a 10 day intensive Vipassana meditation course in Nepeal just after New Year 2012. 10-11 hours of meditation every day, keeping the buddhist precepts of a strictly vegetarian diet, refraining from sexual activity and keeping to silence and non communication. As many of the prisoners in the movie…
Smiling keeps me always young
Tranquillity of mind makes me live long, Smiling keeps me always young. I am air, I am light, And I am water, With the breeze I dirft, Far and Wide. Reference: Prenatal Energy Mobilizing Qigong: China Taoist Ancient Qigong by Cheng Yan Feng ISBN 9787535907561
The Intercourse of Water and Fire
Whenever you leak vital spirit, being stirred and interacting with beings, that is all fire. Whenever you gather back spirits consciousness and quiet it down to steep in the center, that is all water. When the senses run outward, that is fire; when the senses turn around inward, that is water. The one yin […
Zhuang Zi’s eight kinds of methods for health cultivation
Zhuang Zi is one of the prominent philosophers in the era of the Warring States. He has done much study about man’s spirit, integrity, nature-cultivation, heart-cultivation and advocated the nature-cultivation of unselfishness, few desires, quietness and transcendence. Unselfishness. In the opinion of Zhuang Zi, selfishness is the origin of all evils and diseases. One is…
The Tao is near and yet people seek it far away
Those whose vital spirit is scattered outwardly and whose intellectual ruminations ramble inwardly cannot govern their bodies. When what the spirit employs is distant, then what it loses is nearby. So know the world without going out the door, know the weather without looking out the window; the further out it goes, the less knowledge…
Hidden Qi & Qigong
Substantiality and Insubstantiality
How can substantiality and insubstantiality be distinguished between left and right or between top and bottom parts of the body? The muscles, the skeleton and the nerves are parts of the body system. When practicing the movements, the use of consciousness to sink and relax the body is most important. The centre of gravity is…
Yi Jin Jing
易筋經; Wade-Giles: I Chin Ching; literally “Muscle Tendon Change Classic” Litterature: Yi Jin Jing: Tendon – Muscle Strengthening Qigong Exercises (Chinese Health Qigong Associat) Foreign Language Press ISBN 9787119047782 Qigong, the Secret of Youth: Da Mo’s Muscle/tendon and Marrow/brain Washing Classics by Yang Jwing-Ming and Jwing-Ming Yang ISBN 1886969841 14-series Sinew-Transforming Exercises by Weizhen Chang…
What meditation really is
Sogyal Rinpoche The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying Chapter V “Bringing the Mind Home” p. 57 ff.
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