Category: Neigong

  • Qigong

    “Qigong” (literally “breath exercise”), an invaluable component of traditional Chinese medicine, has its origin in ancient times. Its primarystimulus was the search for longevity with the ultimate aim of immortality,which has much entranced the Chinese mind from ancient times. Therecords shows the exercises to help the qi (the human body’s vital energy)circulating freely and to…

  • Effortlessly

  • Qigong Master John Chang

      John Chang (Djiang or Chiang) Links: Qigong Master John Chang (orginal) Books: The Magus of Java: Teachings of an Authentic Taoist Immortal ISBN 0892818131

  • Kundalini Yoga Breath of Fire Primer

  • The ego is a monkey

    The ego is a monkey catapulting through the jungle: Totally fascinated by the realm of the senses, it swings from one desire to the next, one conflict to the next, one self-centered idea to the next. If you threaten it, it actually fears for its life. Let this monkey go. Let the senses go. Let…

  • Kenneth Cohens Standing Meditation

    Kenneth Cohen

  • The Human Body Energy Centers

    Chakra Opening the Chakras

  • Postures of the Cheng Man-Ching Tai Chi 37 Form

    Zheng Manqing Traditional Chinese 鄭曼青 Simplified Chinese 郑曼青 Pinyin Romanisation (Mandarin) Zhèng Mànqīng Wade-Giles Romanisation (Mandarin) Cheng4 Man4-ch’ing1 Other versions Zheng Manqing   Cheng Man Ching, CMC   Section One        1 預備勢 yù bèi shì preparation • 起勢 qǐ shì commencement 2 攔雀尾 lán què wěi grasp the sparrow’s tail  • ward-off (left side)  •…

  • Taoism

  • Taoist Technique of the Third Eye

    Ancient Remote Viewing. Dr. Baolin Wu, M.D.(China), Ph.D., L.Ac. is a Chinese medical doctor, Taoist physician, and martial artist with over thirty years of medical experience. A recognized authority on traditional Chinese medicine as well as conventional Western medicine, he combines and redefines the techniques of both systems and is able to apply appropriate treatment…

  • Tsa Pi Shiu Lin Jing – Interpret energy

    There are many different forms of jing with shenming or Tsa Pi Shiu Lin Jing as the highest form of jing where you sense the opponents jin and yi (intention) before is visible or manifested and you control and release your opponent with Yi (pure intent) or Shen only. (Thomas compilation from different sources) At…

  • Light, agile and connected

    Once in motion, the entire body must be light (Qing) and agile (Ling), (it) especially should (be) threaded together. Taijiquan Treatise by Zhang, San-Feng Jwing-Ming, Dr. Yang, and Ymaa Publication Center. Tai Chi Secrets of the Ancient Masters. P. 1 The body’s movement is soft, relaxed, smooth, natural and comfortable. Light and agile like movements…

  • Mindfulness

    Mindfulness is awareness of one’s thoughts, actions or motivations. mindfulness Thich Nhat Hanh, Plum Village Reference: The shown clip is from the DVD accompanying the book: Walking Meditation (sep 2006) Thich Nhat Hanh, Anh-Huong Nguyen ISBN 1591794730 The Miracle of Mindfulness: A Manual on Meditation (dec 1999) Thich Nhat Hanh ISBN 9780807012390 The Blooming of…

  • The Chinese mind Shen, Xin, and Yi

    Shen – Spirit. The consciousness within which the mind and thought function. Xin – Heart. In Chinese it often means “mind”. If refers to an intention, idea or thought which has not been expressed. The heart or mind, is the center of human thought and feeling. Yi – Mind. It is commonly expressed as Xin-Yi. Xin is an idea…

  • The Circle

    The circle is a round plane figure whose boundary (the circumference) consists of points equidistant from a fixed point (the center). Reference: Oxford dictionary Reference: Importance Of Continuity In the case of the “Outer School” (which emphasizes attack) of boxing, the strength one exerts is still and the movements are not continuous, but are…