How to install Lubuntu Server on Cubietruck from Mac OS X
This is how to install and set-up the latest Lubuntu software pack on to the NAND Flash on the Cubietruck from a Mac OS X computer. Cubietruck The Cubietruck is a 5V 2A single-board computer “SBC” / PC on Board “PCB” – much like the Raspberry Pi that has taken the World with a craze – but the Cubietruck is just faster,…
Magnus Carlsen in the lead 4-2 in Chenai
Today Magnus Carlsen won “a look a like” drawn rook endgame in the Fide World Chess Championship against the current World Chess Champion Vishy Anand. Magnus play is in general that of a true World Chess Champion. It seems that Magnus took good advantage of the win yesterday by pressing Vishy. Magnus is now in…
Sirens of the Lambs
by Banksy
Hounding of Snowden must stop
Amnesty International meets US whistleblower Edward Snowden www.amnesty.org Right of asylum wikipedia.org
The right to Privacy for All
Open letter to the Police State and its supporters, The right to privacy is a basic human need – as is the right to mingle with others freely. This is at the very foundation of human life – and maybe life it self. I believe we call it it freedom in the human world. Imagine…
Looking for Wuji everywhere
Looking for Wuji everywhere, In movement, In stillness Getting it, not getting it I let go, Finding Wuji. I forgot all about it!
Chineasy fun with visual Chinese
You can find more info about Shaolan Hsueh’s “Chineasy” free and creative visual learning of the Chinese written language on chineasy.org and on FB: www.facebook.com/ShaoLanChineasy
Richard Stallman Talks About Ubuntu
Richard Stallman
Effective altruism
Peter Singer talks on TED about effective altruism
Always Already Free
I sit here looking out, filled with an emptiness that spills over and keeps on spilling. There is no end to this boundlessness, this delicious thrill of Presence. Nothing can contain it, for everything is contained within it. The good and the bad, the black and the white, the harsh and the gentle—all simply flavors…
A benevolent and just ruler
A ruler exercising benevolence and justice will surely win the support and help of most people; if he fails to do so, the people will be absolved of all loyalty to him. Mecinus
The teaching of a Sage
Someone who understands the teaching of sages is a sage. Someone who understands the teaching of mortals is a mortal. A mortal who can give up the teaching of mortals and follow the teaching of sages becomes a sage. But the fools of this world prefer to look for sages far away. They don’t believe…
Caterpillars and Polliwogs
Caterpillars weave cocoons, polliwogs form from cells; eventually the cocoons break open to produce moths, the cells develop to produce frogs. What I realize as I observe this is the Tao of liberative transformation of the spiritual embryo. Those who cultivate reality assemble the five forces, join the hundred spirits, merge with the ultimate; one…
The Crane and the Tortoise
The crane is good at nurturing the spirit, so it lives for a thousand years. The tortoise is good at nurturing energy, so it can survive a century without food. What I realize as I observe this is the Tao of prolonging life. If people are able to humbly lower themselves, to be yielding, plain,…
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