The inner depths
Inwardly alert, open, calm. Outwardly upright, extended, filled with spirit. This is the foundation of stillness. Add the hard and the soft, the powerful and the relaxed, Motion and stillness, contraction and extension: In the instant these converge, there is power. Grand Master Wang Xiang Zhai Reference: The Way of Power: Reaching Full Strength in…
Transformations of a Spiritual Dragon
A dragon, as spiritual luminosity, can be large or small, can rise or descend, can disappear or appear, can penetrate rocks and mountains, can leap in the clouds and travel with the rain. How can it do all this? Its done by the activity of the spirit. What I realize as I observe this is…
von Friedrich Nietzsche Wir waren Freunde und sind uns fremd geworden. Aber das ist recht so und wir wollen’s uns nicht verhehlen und verdunkeln, – als ob wir uns dessen zu schämen hätten. Wir sind zwei Schiffe, deren jedes sein Ziel und seine Bahn hat; wir können uns wohl kreuzen und ein Fest miteinander feiern,…
Walking Meditation on Langelinie
Happy 5 visiting the little mermaid Originally uploaded by docdyhr After hours of Qigong in the Studenthouse and a good dinner at Lai Ho in St. Kongensgade we simply had to make a mess out Langelinie and the Little Mermaid.
Love the Earth and Sun
“This is what you shall do: Love the earth and sun and the animals, despise riches, give alms to everyone that asks, stand up for the stupid and crazy, devote your income and labor to others, hate tyrants, argue not concerning God, have patience and indulgence toward the people, take off your hat to nothing…
Allen Ginsberg – Hum Bom!
One of my favourite ways to pass time is book surfing the titles and contents of books wherever I find them. By coincidence I stumbled across a collection of Allan Ginsberg’s poems selected by himself. He instantly made me wonder and laugh – and I was sold to him on the spot! Reference: Selected Poems:…
Mindfulness Meditation
Mindfulness is the aware, balanced acceptance of the present experience. It isn’t more complicated than that. It is opening to or recieving the present moment, pleasant or unpleasant, just as it is, without either clinging to it or rejecting it.
The Song of All the Chakras
FEET IN THE SAND What is sand? Mountains and time The ongoing meeting of Matter and weather Now, for the lapse of a moment I am the king of the mountain Standing ever so relatively still On what’s left of forgotten giants Enjoying the caressing warmth of the sun Before we are washed to the…
Soleil et Chair
Le Soleil, le foyer de tendresse et de vie, Verse l’amour brûlant à la terre ravie, Et, quand on est couché sur la vallée, on sent Que la terre est nubile et déborde de sang ; Que son immense sein, soulevé par une âme, Est d’amour comme Dieu, de chair comme la femme, Et qu’il…
Peace is in every breath I take
Sunshine, Happiness Flicker and Flutter the Breeze takes Me Hither and Dither I rest in the Arms of the Eternal
The Teaching Just for You
“To approach perfect practice, there is no way other than to accept yourself.” Shunryu Suzuki
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