New Zealand apart from the rest of the World?

Carri Carri Beach New Zealand January 2006

Over christmas I visited New Zealand and Japan. Two different worlds on the same small planet. New Zealand is something very special for the eyes of the spectator. Nature is undeniably present everywhere in New Zealand. Even in close proximity of the biggest city in New Zealand, Auckland with Skyscrapers, lots of busy people and the many impressions of metro life you can feel the great omnipresence of Nature. It took me less than 45 minutes in an old 4×4 from the center of town in Auckland to drive to Carri Carri Beach, a place where nature runs wild and man feels incredible small.

The drive towards and the view of Carri Carri Beach when I first wormed my way there is breathtaking.
Thomas Dyhr Carri Carri Beach New Zealand January 2006

Above: Thomas at Carri Carri Beach, New Zealand.

I left the summer in the suburbs of Auckland, New Zealand and traveled back east to find the winter in Tokyo, Japan. Getting lost in Tokyo in Japan is an overwhelming experience that I can recommend.

a tiny bird in a hand

Above: A view down one of the narrow, charming and endless streets of Meijiro, Tokyo, Japan.

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