Tag: zen

  • From something to nothing and back again

    I let go to land in no-man’s-land. Heaven and earth are one.The circle and the square are the same. They part necessarily, without effort.First boundless stillness, then endless movement. There’s no sense in speaking of form or formlessness.Substance or non-substance—what is the difference? Body, energy, and mind—what are they?I am merely a channel for nature’s…

  • The world is really great!

    The world is really great! There is room for the Sun, the Moon and the Stars, the Earth, its Mountains and Rivers, every Plant and Tree bad People and good People. All of this exists in space. The emptiness of our nature is also like this.   Inspired by Hui-Neng    

  • The teaching of a Sage

    Someone who understands the teaching of sages is a sage. Someone who understands the teaching of mortals is a mortal. A mortal who can give up the teaching of mortals and follow the teaching of sages becomes a sage. But the fools of this world prefer to look for sages far away. They don’t believe…

  • The world according to me

    Me, me, me.. and puff I am gone!

  • Suchness

    In Buddhism,the word “suchness” is used to mean “the essence or particular characteristics of a thing or a person, its true nature.” Each person has his or her suchness. If we want to live in peace and happiness with a person, we have to see the suchness of that person. Once we see it, we…

  • Our Life Is a Work of Art

    After a retreat in southern California, an artist asked me,“What is the way to look at a flower so that I can make the most of it for my art?” I said, “If you look in that way, you cannot be in touch with the flower. Abandon all your projects so you can be with…

  • The great Way has no gate

    The great Way has no gate; There are a thousand different roads. If you pass through this barrier once, You will walk independently in the Universe. The Gateless Gate: The Classic Book of Zen Koans by Yamada Koun

  • I am home

    I have arrived I am home in the here in the now I am Solid I am free in the Ultimate I dwell Thich Nhat Hanh Reference: The Long Road Turns to Joy: Guide to Walking Meditation

  • So Many Responsibilities

    How many of us are swept away by what I have come to call an “active laziness”? Naturally there are different species of laziness: Eastern and Western. The Eastern style consists of hanging out all day in the sun, doing nothing, avoiding any kind of work or useful activity, drinking cups of tea and gossiping…

  • Watsu – Water Shiatsu

    Origins of Watsu Watsu® (Water Shiatsu) began in 1980 in the warm pool at Harbin Hot Springs when Harold Dull started floating people while applying the stretches and principles of the Zen Shiatsu he had studied in Japan. In the Orient, stretching as a way to open channels through which our Chi energy flows is…

  • No I

    Despite dwelling in a material body of four elements, your nature is basically pure. It can’t be corrupted. Youre real body has no sensation, no hunger or thirst, no warmth or cold, no sickness, no love or attachment, no pleasure or pain, no good or bad, no shortness or length, no weakness or strength. Actually,…

  • A good day

    “A good day” Brother David Steindl-Rast by recommendation of a spiritual friend. Link: gratefulness.org