Tag: meditation

  • Qiangzhuang Gong

    Health Promotion Exercise Functions Reinforces intrinsic Qi and promotes good health and the ability to prevent and cure disease. Methods Natural respiration or reverse breathing techniques can be used in the practice of this exercise. 1. Natural Respiration. Sit cross-legged or take a standing posture. Gradually regulate your breath so that it is quiet, even,…

  • Water drizzling down a mountain side

    Water drizzling down the mountain wall glittering in the sun mist rising to the top birds and green everywhere life is seen drifting in the clouds standing like a giant reaching to center of the earth stretching up towards the heavens unmoved yet alive standing here how am I different? .

  • A journey towards liberation

    Vipassana Documentary from India Personally I took a 10 day intensive Vipassana meditation course in Nepeal just after New Year 2012. 10-11 hours of meditation every day, keeping the buddhist precepts of a strictly vegetarian diet, refraining from sexual activity and keeping to silence and non communication. As many of the prisoners in the movie…

  • The Intercourse of Water and Fire

    Whenever you leak vital spirit, being stirred and interacting with beings, that is all fire. Whenever you gather back spirits consciousness and quiet it down to steep in the center, that is all water. When the senses run outward, that is fire; when the senses turn around  inward, that is water. The one yin […

  • Watsu – Water Shiatsu

    Origins of Watsu Watsu® (Water Shiatsu) began in 1980 in the warm pool at Harbin Hot Springs when Harold Dull started floating people while applying the stretches and principles of the Zen Shiatsu he had studied in Japan. In the Orient, stretching as a way to open channels through which our Chi energy flows is…

  • What meditation really is

    Sogyal Rinpoche The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying Chapter V “Bringing the Mind Home” p. 57 ff.

  • A real human being

    I dwell in spiritual tipsiness, looking into the meaning of mellowness. I do not know why there is a profound smile on my lips, neither do I care to find out. Lighting up me entire body, filling it to the brim with nothing. I die to my self. Not knowing who I am, or where…

  • The Mindful Movements of Thich Nhat Hanh

    Links: Mindfulness wikipedia.org

  • Taoist Technique of the Third Eye

    Ancient Remote Viewing. Dr. Baolin Wu, M.D.(China), Ph.D., L.Ac. is a Chinese medical doctor, Taoist physician, and martial artist with over thirty years of medical experience. A recognized authority on traditional Chinese medicine as well as conventional Western medicine, he combines and redefines the techniques of both systems and is able to apply appropriate treatment…