Qi gong giver ro og glæde i hverdagen
Qi gong giver ro og glæde i hverdagen – og jeg kunne ikke forestille mig en bedre instruktør end Thomas Jeg havde ikke prøvet qi gong, før Thomas introducerede mig for det for snart et års tid siden. Og sikke en rejse, det har været. Thomas har en meget umiddelbar tilgang til denne stående meditationsform,…
From something to nothing and back again
I let go to land in no-man’s-land. Heaven and earth are one.The circle and the square are the same. They part necessarily, without effort.First boundless stillness, then endless movement. There’s no sense in speaking of form or formlessness.Substance or non-substance—what is the difference? Body, energy, and mind—what are they?I am merely a channel for nature’s…
Qi Gong is efficient and fascinating
“Qi Gong is an efficient and fascinating way to preserve and improve one’s health. If you are serious about Qi Gong and looking for a teacher to guide you on the path to wellbeing then Thomas Dyhr is your man” Søren Brøndholt Nielsen, Copenhagen, Denmark Testimonial from Qigong Gentofte 2017
Taiji og qigong spire videre i mit hverdagsliv
Jeg er blevet undervist af Thomas i 1 halvt år. Begyndte at lave taiji i 2007. Jeg begyndte på taiji og qigong af 3 hovedgrunde. For det første ønskede jeg at ændre en mega spændt krop – af fodbold og skovarbejde. En krop der konstant røg ud i skader og som osse fik disse ord med på…
Taiji essentials in practise
Essentials in Practising the Taiji Solo Set & Playing Hands by Li Yiyu An earlier teacher said: “If you can draw the opponent in to land on nothing, you can then use four ounces of force to move his of a thousand pounds. If you cannot draw the opponent in to land on nothing, you cannot use four ounces to…
I recommend him to anyone who would like to learn Qigong
I first met Thomas when I did my PhD in Copenhagen. He had just started teaching an introductory Qi Gong class in the international student house there. From the first class onwards I felt at home with him and his approach and stayed in the class for more than two years, until I left Copenhagen.…
Empty vessel
I am just an empty vessel saling the great sea. Forms arise and disappear. Change is just a principle no words describes the mysterious one. How can I forget that this moment and all existence is perfect and without flaws. Thomas 19/7 2009
The path of inner refinement is extremely simple and easy
Bai Yuzhan said, “The path of inner refinement is extremely simple and easy; just get the fire of the heart to descend into the elixir field. The elixir field is the chamber of water, while the heart is fire. When fire enters water, then water and fire mix and true yang is produced. Therefore people…
The Intercourse of Water and Fire
Whenever you leak vital spirit, being stirred and interacting with beings, that is all fire. Whenever you gather back spirits consciousness and quiet it down to steep in the center, that is all water. When the senses run outward, that is fire; when the senses turn around inward, that is water. The one yin […
The Three Precepts
1. Simplifying involvements 2. Not craving anything 3. Queiting the mind “If people can empty their minds and contrive nothing, it is not that they want the Way, but the Way spontaneously reverts to them”. Reference: Treatise on sitting forgetting from Taoist Meditation by Thomas Cleary p. 102
The Lost Axe
Once upon a time there was a craftsman who lost his Axe. He thought hard, and finally suspected his neighbor of stealing it. When he saw his neighbor walking, he thought that he walked like an Axe thief. When he meet his neighbor, the others countenance was just like that of an Axe thief, and…
The Master of Demon Valley
The world has no constant values, events has no constant guide. When others act, I am still; When others talk I listen. If you know your nature, you’ll have few troubles; if you know your destiny, you won’t worry. Reference: Alchemists, Mediums, and Magicians: Stories of Taoist Mystics by Thomas Cleary ISBN: 9781590306598 p. 14
Wudang Mountain Master Wang Ping
A real human being
I dwell in spiritual tipsiness, looking into the meaning of mellowness. I do not know why there is a profound smile on my lips, neither do I care to find out. Lighting up me entire body, filling it to the brim with nothing. I die to my self. Not knowing who I am, or where…
The Value of Boredom
Learn to enjoy boredom and monotony. When you feel bored, it means that it is a really good time and everything is in good condition. This is the most valuable time for you. Most people are unpleasant when things are boring, because they do not know the value of boredom and monotony. Monotony to them…
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