Category: Books

  • The pivot of Central Equilibrium

    Static equilibrium When a system of forces acting on an object produces no motion, the system is said to be in static equilibrium. Mechanical equilibrium A rigid body is in mechanical equilibrium when the sum of all forces on all particles of the system is zero, and also the sum of all torques on all…

  • Pushhands

    Li Heshen Taiji quan Push-hand of Master Zhu Datong 1 Zhu Datong Ma Yongqing Ma Jiang Bao

  • Huang Sheng Shyan

    黄性贤(杨式太极拳)-示范一 黄性贤(杨式太极拳)-示范二 黄性贤(杨式太极拳)-示范三 黄性贤(杨式太极拳)-示范四

  • Stick and Adhere

    Chan Lien Tieh Sui Pu Tiu pu Ting This refers to the sticking aspect or adherence in Tai Chi Chuan. Chan and lien are vertical adhering movements, lifting from above and supporting from below, respectively. Tieh is adherence in the horizontal motion, sui is adherence from the rear. Pu tiu pu ting means neither to…

  • Jeijin and Fajin – Receive and release the energy

    Qi should be filled and stimulated (Gu Dang), Shen spirit should be retained internally. Gu Dang means a drum there is full and resounding (due to vibration). Peng The entire body is filled with springlike energy. Songs of the eight postures by T’an Meng-hsien (as researched by Lee N. Scheele) The Four Characters: Support, Lead, Relax, and…

  • 陽 yang 陰 yin

    Yin-yang are opposing Yin-yang are mutually rooted Yin-yang mutually transform Yin-yang mutually wax and wane Yin and yang are neither substances nor forces   Taiji is born of Wu Chi. It is the origin of dynamic and static states and the mother of yin and yang. If they move, they separate. If the remain static,…

  • Sung (relax) every hair is fully alert

    ‘In the fully energized state, “every hair is fully alert.” The state of relaxed arousal is what is meant by the chinese term “sung.” This is not the drowsy torpor before sleep. It is the release of tension that saps our strength – so that we become alert, clearheaded and full of vigor. Your head…

  • San Bao – The Three Gems

    Cultivate the three gems for health, longevity and enlightenment. 1. 精 Jing – Essence 2. 気 Chi (Qi) – Energy (vital breath) 3. 神 Shen – Spirit Regulate body posture, breathing and mind. “Accumulate Shen to promote Chi Accumulate Chi to promote Jing Refine Jing until it becomes Chi Refine Chi into Shen Refine Shen to emptiness This is the…

  • Commandment of my Spirit

    In the search for meaning in my life I reached the barrier of reason. I felt the urge to go beyond the doors of the comprehensible.  Looking for God. I walk on the path of enlightenment in search of the ultimate truth. Transcending all.  Returning to the void.