Here is a short list of 10 good medical qigong books:
- “Chinese Qigong Outgoing-Qi Therapy” by Pengjun Zhong
- “Chinese Qigong Therapy” by Zhang Mingwu
- “Chinese Qigong” by Zhang Enqin
- “Chinese Medical Qigong” by Tianjun Liu and Xiao Mei Qiang 2013
- “Practical Chinese Qigong for Home Health Care” by Ce Jin
- “Qigong Essentials for Health Promotion“
- “Qigong for Treating Common Ailments: The Essential Guide to Self Healing” by Xu Xiangcai
- “Self – Therapies for Common Diseases” by Li Hesheng
- “Transmitting Qi Along the Meridian: Meridian Qigong” by Li Ding
- “Treasured Qigong of Tradtional Medical School” by Huang Runtian
Qigong can cure almost every disease on earth if applied in the correct manner. Please remember to consult a physician in case of serious illness. I wish you good health, happiness and peace.