Medical Qigong Bibliography

Here is a short list of 10 good medical qigong books:

  1. Chinese Qigong Outgoing-Qi Therapy” by Pengjun Zhong
  2. Chinese Qigong Therapy” by Zhang Mingwu
  3. Chinese Qigong” by Zhang Enqin
  4. Chinese Medical Qigong” by Tianjun Liu and Xiao Mei Qiang 2013
  5. Practical Chinese Qigong for Home Health Care” by Ce Jin
  6. Qigong Essentials for Health Promotion
  7. Qigong for Treating Common Ailments: The Essential Guide to Self Healing” by Xu Xiangcai
  8. Self – Therapies for Common Diseases” by Li Hesheng
  9. Transmitting Qi Along the Meridian: Meridian Qigong” by Li Ding
  10. Treasured Qigong of Tradtional Medical School” by Huang Runtian

Qigong can cure almost every disease on earth if applied in the correct manner. Please remember to consult a physician in case of serious illness. I wish you good health, happiness and peace.




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